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Ambient air monitoring is very important

2019-7-17      View:
  Ambient air monitoring is an integral part of an effective air quality management system. Monitoring Air Quality Data can help mitigate air pollution in a swifter way. Ambient air monitoring is the systematic, long-term assessment of pollutant levels by measuring the quantity and types of certain pollutants in the surrounding, outdoor air.
  An air quality monitor is a device that measures the level of common air pollutants. Monitors are available for both indoor and outdoor settings. Indoor air quality monitors are typically sensor based instruments. Some of them are able to measure ppb levels and come as either mixed gas or portable units. Sensor based instruments and air quality monitoring systems are used widely in outdoor ambient applications.
  Industrial operators use air quality monitoring equipment to cost effectively monitor and manage emissions on their perimeter, which helps them improve relationships with regulators and communities. With air quality regulation shifting the burden from publicly funded monitoring to monitoring funded by industry, it has been increasingly important for businesses to acquire their own quality monitoring equipment.
  The locations for monitoring stations depend on the purpose of the monitoring. Most air quality monitoring networks are designed to support human health objectives, and monitoring stations are established in population centers. They may be near busy roads, in city centers, or at locations of particular concern (e.g., a school, hospital, particular emissions sources). Monitoring stations also may be established to determine background pollution levels, away from urban areas and emissions sources.
Installing outdoor pollution monitoring devices on highways, intersections, and crossroads will help track the pollution trends in major cities. The sensors can find the hotspots of the air pollutants along with the time and accurate concentration of the pollutants present in the air. With the help of real-time air pollution data integrated with local traffic data, it can help develop smart traffic controls which will minimize congestion on the road. Naturally, less traffic will equate to people getting less exposure to pollutants. 
  The effects of toxic pollutants that are present in the air can have an adverse effect on children. School going children can easily become prone to respiratory and cardiovascular complication at an early age. It has been observed that these children complain about facing health issues when they are at school. However, once they leave the school premise they feel better which can be a result of suffering from Sick Building Syndrome (SBS).
Introducing real-time air quality monitors and a proper HVAC (Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system can prevent schools from getting affected by harmful pollutants. Keeping a close eye on the various aspects of air quality data that provides a complete insight of the indoor and outdoor pollution will the school authority keep a close check on the increasing absenteeism and poor performances by the students. 

  Air pollution is spread unevenly throughout the country. Many lower socioeconomic neighborhoods are suffering from poor air quality that is higher than the upper socioeconomic neighborhoods. Monitoring air quality of all these locations irrespective of the socioeconomic structure will help address the gap in information - Supporting people who can turn negative list of the environmental justice into a positive one. 

air quality monitor

If you need air quality monitor system, pls contact us: Emai:; Tel: +86-371-60998169